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Hanwell Prince of Wales AS Data Protection Privacy Notice

We ask you to provide personal data in order to manage memberships and provide relevant information.  This data is only shared within the Society and only on a need to know basis.  We only retain this data for the current and immediately previous seasons (except for the postcode which we may retain). You have the right to ask us at any time to provide the personal data we hold about you or to complain about the use of this data to the Information Commission's Office.

Hanwell Prince of Wales Angling Society New Membership 2024-25

Please complete this form and submit it with the appropriate remittance. See Section 6 below for payment details

6. Please select the type of Membership applied for.

New Member
Type of Membership(Select one)

** Concessionary membership available for thoseabove SPA(66+) or those Registered Disabled. Please contact the Secretary for assistance in making a valid application.

Payment made to the Value shown in fees by the following method.
  • If paying by Bank Transfer please note the folowing details:-

    Bank: Metro , Acc Name: Hanwell Princeof Wales Angling Society, Sortcode: 23-05-80, Account No. 16030945, Ref :HPOW + Surname.

Please note transfer payments are to the club's account administered by Metro. Currently Metro does not have COP(Confirmation of Payment) software and you may get a message saying "Cannot verify account". Please double check the details above before transfer and ensure you put a reference on the payment. Once we have received your payment Membership Forms will be sent out by post.


I agree to Abide by the Rules of the Society and conduct myself in an appropriate manner so as not to bring the Society or its Members into disrepute. I further commit to undertake such work on behalf of the Club as is deemed necessary to maintain the Club and its assets.

Please Sign

A copy of the 'Everything you need to know' document about the club (That's Match Fixtures, information and directions, Meeting dates and locations, How the club works, Contact information and Work Parties) is available on the 'Members Only' section of the Website. To save on printing , paper and related costs you will only receive a paper copy if you indicate this below.

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