Hanwell Prince Of Wales Angling Society
Useful Numbers
Environment Agency Incident Hotline
0800 80 70 60
Canal and River Trust 24 hr Emergency Hotline
0800 47 999 47
The two numbers above should be used for the following:-
Damage or Danger to the natural environment
Pollution to Water or Land
Poaching or Illegal fishing
Fish in distress or Dead fish
Watercourse blocked by vehicle or fallen tree causing risk of flooding
Illegal dumping of hazardous waste or large amounts of industrial waste
Illegal abstraction from watercourses
Unusual drop in river flow
Collapsed or badly damaged river or canal banks
If you contact the EA or Canal and River Trust regarding an issue at any of our venues please also inform the following members of the Hanwell POWAS Team as soon as possible. If there are any other issues not listed above please report them using one of the numbers below.
Hanwell POWAS Contact
Dave Ashton - Chairman Tel No. 07712 813102 E-Mail. ashton961@btinternet.com
Chris Peel - Secretary Tel No. 07703 350088 E-Mail. frostyhollow@btinternet.com
Gary Wood. - Treasurer. Tel No. 07733 048368
Peter Finch. - Match Secretary Tel No. 07983 721186